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Centre for Languages and Inter-Communication


Intercultural Communication Workshop led by Kasia Lanucha

CLIC 1, Monday, 24th February, 10:00 to 13:00, including a free lunch from noon - please book here by Friday 14 February for catering purposes

Have you ever struggled with other students’ or colleagues’ styles of communication, wondered why some people seem to use more formal language, or be more direct than others? Culture plays a big part in how we communicate, and adjusting to the cultural communication norms means more than learning a foreign language.

Join our workshop to learn more about the importance of cultural competence in engineering. Find out more about the impact of cultural differences on management styles, team dynamics, communication and more.

This free workshop is mainly aimed at graduate students of engineering at Cambridge University. A group of students from a technical university in Germany will also take part within the scope of an exchange trip.  It is followed by a sandwich lunch, during which the workshop contents can be discussed further.